The 2nd CSPF Meeting highlighted the existence of the following dichotomies in local government pursuit of sustainability:
-Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework vs (Financial) Management frameworks
-Equality vs Financing Schemes
-Local vs National-International, for example: The contrast between city limits and the systemic nature of environmental issues
-Engineers vs CFOs
-Public vs Private, for example: Adapting/designing municipal projects to mobilize international capital, designing these to provide returns and justify investment to stakeholders from the outset
-Investments vs Operation: The economic and social value of new (green) infrastructure beyond its initial investment, i.e. its operating costs and maintenance over the long-term. For example: Will the costs incurred by the citizenry will be offset by employment creation?
For municipalities, this is an area full both of challenges and tremendous promise – and one which GovInsight is committed to contributing towards!